Rescue Stories - 2012 - 2017
Cat With Cancer - Mia - December 2016
We were contacted and asked if we could help a stray cat (Mia) with severe ear and head sores. We took her to the vets and she was diagnosed with skin cancer. She needed surgery to remove the cancerous tissue.
Mia is recovering well at home with us, she has settled in well and is so much happier now. There is a chance that the cancer may reoccur in the future but only time will tell.
Mia is such a sweet natured cat and is very affectionate. She has been through so much and has coped so well.
Update March 2017 - Mia has done so well over the last few weeks. She has healed nicely and is happy and healthy and is looking for a forever home. Please get in touch if you can help this lovely girl.
Newborn Puppies - Rescued November 2016
These four newborn puppies were dumped beside the rubbish bins in a plastic bag. They were alive but cold and weak. Sadly two of them (Mika and Zeta) died a couple of days later. We did all we could but...
Holly and Kayla were stronger and survived and thrived over the next few weeks. They are doing really well and are such gorgeous girls.
Updates to follow...
Abandoned Puppies - Rescued October 2016
We received a call, asking if we could help five puppies that had been abandoned at rubbish bins. They were found and cared for by a kind couple who were on holiday, but they were due to leave Greece and needed someone to take the puppies.
The puppies were only a few days old and had infections caused by parasites. Sadly despite all our efforts we lost four of them - Archie, Angelo, Tyler and Tina.
The surviving puppy, Tara, was also very sick and we thought we would lose her too, it was a battle to keep her alive but thankfully she fought very hard and was strong enough to pull through. She is just over four weeks old and has started to wean. She is thriving and gaining weight and strength, it is wonderful to see her doing so well after the sadness of losing her litter mates, it has been a very difficult time.
Update photo
Adoption Update - Tara was adopted in February and is now settled in her new home. Thank you so much to everyone who helped this gorgeous girl - Photos of Tara in her forever home...
Special Needs Kitten - Hermione - Rescued October 2016
We were contacted by a family on holiday about an injured kitten. They had been caring for him, and asked if we could help as they were due to leave. We took him to the vet and he confirmed he had suffered an earlier trauma, fractured rib and hernia, he was also underweight and malnourished. The injury was not recent, the rib fracture was healing.
The family had fallen in love with little Hermione and kindly offered to adopt him when he is well enough to travel. We are caring for him until then.
he is doing very well, slowly gaining weight and strength. He's a lovely boy with a sweet nature. We are so pleased he has a lovely family waiting for him, many thanks to them for helping this gorgeous boy.
Hermione is now settled in his forever home with his lovely new family. We've had some lovely updates. Wishing them all the very best. Many thanks to all who helped this lovely boy.
Abandoned Puppy - Alice - Rescued July 2016
Little Alice was abandoned on the road, not far from our house. She was in obvious distress; frightened and dehydrated from the summer heat. We took her in and cared for her, she is now a happy, healthy girl and is so friendly. She is still with us but is due to leave us soon for rehoming abroad. It will be wonderful for her to find a loving forever home, she is such a lovely girl.
Alice update photos
Many thanks to all who helped Alice find happiness. It's wonderful to see her settled in her new home.
Injured Stray Kitten - Misha - Rescued October 2015
We rescued stray kitten, Misha, from the road, she was wandering around in obvious distress. She was emaciated and had a badly infected wound and skin loss on one side of her face, exposing her jaw. We could also see that she had limited vision.
She was at the vets for a few days, she needed medication and the wound needed to be cleaned daily. She is at home with us now and we are continuing with the wound care. The infection has cleared up and new healthy tissue has started to grow. The skin will not grow back to cover her teeth completely but she looks so much better already. It will take time to heal fully, she is due back at the vets for a check up in a couple of weeks.
Misha is partially sighted. Malnutrition and anaemia had already damaged her eyes. She is gaining weight and has coped so well with everything that she has been through. She is such a brave sweet natured little girl.
Update March 2016
Great news! Misha made a great recovery over the last few weeks and has recently been adopted. She is now with her lovely new family in France. Saying goodbye was really hard but we are so pleased she has such a wonderful forever home. We miss you already Misha, be happy sweet girl. Many thanks to Misha's new family and all who helped her.
Update photos - Misha in her new home
Injured Puppy - Kassia - Rescued July 2015
Poor Kassia was abandoned at the local vets. She had a badly infected foot that was crawling with maggots. Most of the tissue had been eaten away, leaving just bone and tendon, she would need to have her leg amputated as the damage and infection was so severe.
My husband saw Kassia and heard her story when he took one of our dogs in for treatment. The vet was happy to do the surgery but there was no one to pay for it, we agreed to help Kassia, she desperately needed help.
The surgery went well and Kassia came to our home to recover. She was on cage rest and medication for a couple of weeks and made a full recovery. She soon adapted to life on three legs.
We don't know Kassia's history but she must have had a tough start in life before the injury as she was very frightened and would cower down and tremble. It took a while to build her confidence but it was wonderful to see her progress while she was with us, it was quite a transformation. I'm sure she was very grateful for our help.
Kassia and friends - With our rescue cats Tigger and Jess
Lucky Kassia was adopted in September. She is now settled and happy with her new family in Germany. It was so hard to say goodbye to this lovely girl but we are so pleased that she has a loving home. Sending love and best wishes to Kassia and family, thank you for opening your hearts and home to this gorgeous girl.
Update photos - Kassia in her new home
Kassia - New Home - 2015 - Rescue Stories
4 Abandoned Puppies - Rescued May 2015
These little puppies (4 - 5 weeks old) were left alone at rubbish bins beside a road, without food or water. We saw a couple of them as we drove past. We stopped and walked over to find there were four of them. We couldn't leave them there, they were very close to the road. We picked them up and headed home.
They were all hungry, thirsty and very tired. They went straight to sleep once they had filled their tummies. All did very well over the next few weeks.
These lucky puppies now all have forever homes. They traveled to Germany in and were soon adopted. All are now settled and enjoying life with their new families. We've since had some lovely photos. Love and best wishes to all.
Thank you to all who helped these puppies find love and happiness. Another happy ending.
Update Adoption Photos
6 Abandoned Puppies - Rescued June 2014
These tiny pups (few days old) were left alone to die at rubbish bins outside the local cemetery. We saw them lying on the dirt beside the road as we left the cemetery. It was a very warm day, some of the pups were very weak; we really didn't think many, if any would survive. We couldn't just leave them to die in the dirt so we picked them all up and headed home with heavy hearts...
Feeding was difficult to say the least, some struggled to suckle. We did our best but tried to prepare for the worst. We thought we would lose some that day. Somehow all were still with us at the next feed, and the next, it was amazing!
Days turned in to weeks, all six pups thrived and survived. It was such hard work keeping them all going but so worth it. We were (are) struggling to cope with overwhelming grief having lost our dear daughter. I really don't know how we all made it through.
Looking back it is so comforting to know that something good happened at the worst time of our lives, I am so proud to have been able to help these little ones, I don't know how any of us found the strength...
8 Weeks Old
These lucky puppies were all adopted in September. All are enjoying life with their forever families in Germany. Love and thanks to all. As always, it was so hard to say goodbye, but we are so happy for them all.
Many thanks also to everyone who helped with transport and rehoming. Together we did a wonderful thing and made such a difference. Thank you.
Update Photos - Adoptions
Abandoned Puppies - Max and Maisie - Rescued November 2013
These two cuties (4-5 weeks old) were left without food or water beside a busy road outside town. The little boy was running around in the road, it didn't take us long to find his terrified sister at the side of the road. Both were hungry and dirty and were so grateful to be taken to a safe place. They were soon snuggling together on a cosy blanket with full tummies, bless them.
Lucky Max & Maisie were adopted in December and are now enjoying life in Germany with their new families. We've had some lovely updates.
Thank you to everyone who helped these lovely puppies. Another happy ending!
Update Adoption Photos
Stray Kitten - Luna - Rescued October 2013
Little stray, Luna was a very sorry sight. She was in the middle of the road pawing at the remains of a kitten that had been killed by a car. She is very lucky to have survived herself.
She ran and hid in the grass verge when we stopped, we managed to tempt her out and catch her, she was starving. She soon came round with a full tummy and gentle fusses, such a sweetie!
Lovely Luna was adopted in November 2013. She is now enjoying life as a pampered house cat in Athens.
Stray Kitten - Tigger - Rescued August 2013
Little Tigger (6 - 8 weeks old) was found wandering on a road next to a beach. We don't know if he was abandoned or a stray. He was nearly run over as a car that had been parked pulled away. He continued to wander in the road so we picked him up and took him to safety, he came home with us and he's still here! He's so affectionate and loves cuddles.
Abandoned Kitten - Matilda - Rescued August 2013
Tiny Matilda, (10-14 days old) was found alone, she was either orphaned or abandoned. We received a call asking if we could help as she would need to be hand-reared. It was touch and go early on as she had problems feeding, we really didn't think she would pull through. We persevered and thankfully she slowly began to thrive. Tilly went from strength to strength and is now a very happy, healthy little lady. She is a small kitty with big attitude, a real character.
Abandoned Kittens - Tango and Daisy - Rescued July 2013
At only 4 weeks old these dear little kittens were dumped with the rubbish beside a busy road. They were left in the heat without food or water. Both were dehydrated and distressed by their ordeal. They would not have survived for very long without help
We cared for Tango and Daisy for a few weeks until a forever home was found. They were both adopted together and are settled and happy with their new family.
Abandoned Puppies - Goldie and Amber - Rescued April 2013
These sweet little girls (5 - 6 weeks old) were left alone without food or water in a car park beside a busy road. Both were shaking with fear, poor things... They soon started to gain confidence once they were taken to safety and given lots of cuddles.
Another happy ending; both girls were adopted in June 2013. So pleased for them.
Stray Special Needs Kitten - Minnie - Rescued - April 2013
This sweet little 'special needs' kitten, Minnie endured a long journey all the way from Northern Greece. A kind lady took her in and cared for her after she was found in a very sorry state. The lady contacted us as she was unable to care for Minnie long-term and was struggling to find help locally.
Minnie arrived safe and well late evening 10th April. We had everything ready for her. She greeted us when we opened the carrier; used the litter tray, ate her supper and snuggled up in her new bed. It was amazing how well she settled, we'd been so worried as she had come such a long way, it must have been very stressful for her.
Minnie has a congenital spinal deformity that is causing neurological problems; spinal cord compression, muscle weakness which affects her mobility/balance. She also has a deformed jaw but she is able to eat without any problems. Sadly the long-term prognosis is poor as her condition is most likely degenerative and untreatable. There's a risk of paralysis if her condition deteriorates over time. Minnie is adorable, she's so affectionate and friendly to everyone. We will do all we can to give her the best life possible, hopefully time will be kind and she will be with us for some time to come...
Update 2016
Minnie is still with us and continues to do well, despite her health problems. She copes so well, she is content with life and is so affectionate; such a sweetie.
Abandoned Puppies - Rescued April 2013
More dumped puppies. We found these three little cuties hiding in a huge stinking pile of rubbish; hungry, dirty, smelly and covered in ticks. 1 male and 2 females about 4-5 weeks old. All are now safe and well but are in desperate need of forever/foster homes.
Update - Great news. Both females (Cleo and Nera) have been adopted and are now with their new families. Tommy has also been adopted and now has a forever home in Austria.
Injured Street Stray - Elsa - Rescued February 2013
We spotted this poor cat in town as we were leaving the market. She had lost an ear and had a large infected head wound and was very skinny. We went home to collect our catch-cage and managed to catch her by the rubbish bins, she was scavenging for food. We took her straight to the vets. The prognosis was not good for Elsa as the infection and tissue damage was severe. Nothing could be done until the infection was under control. Despite an intensive long course of strong antibiotics the infection continued to spread. Sadly we had to make the heartbreaking decision to let her go peacefully as nothing more could be done to help her.
This sweet brave girl was put to sleep in April - Sweet dreams sweet girl. xx
Abandoned Puppies - Bess and Bonnie - Rescued January 2013
These two little puppies were abandoned in a supermarket car park, left alone without any food or water. It was a very chilly evening when we saw them huddled together desperately trying to keep warm. The supermarket was busy but as usual, people just ignored them.We couldn’t just walk away and leave them.…
Bess and Bonnie are both doing well. Bess is underweight, but she is eating well, so I’m sure it won’t be long before she’s a healthy weight for her age. Both girls are very affectionate and love being held and cuddled.
Update: Both girls have done really well over the last few weeks.
Update: Great news! Bess and Bonnie have been adopted. Bonnie now lives in Germany and Bess has a new home in Norway.
Abandoned Elderly Dog - Lizzie - Rescued November 2012
We were so shocked and sickened when we first saw poor old little Lizzie. She literally crossed our path by crossing the road in front of us. She was emaciated, dehydrated and close to collapse. The vet said she wouldn’t have lasted much longer as she was already showing signs of organ damage and would need immediate treatment, medication and care. Only time will tell whether or not she will make a full recovery. She is an elderly lady, we don't know exactly how old but the vet estimate is 13+ years.
Update - 6 weeks on
Lovely Lizzie is doing well. Her weight gain has been steady and she is looking and feeling much better.
She will need regular check-ups to keep an eye on her organ function as she does have some health problems. We are really pleased with her progress.
Sad Update February 2015...
Sadly dear Lizzie went to sleep. She lost her sight over time and suffered from dementia. At the end she became confused and distressed, it was time to let her go. Rest peacefully dear Lizzie. xx
Sick Siamese Cat - Melina - Rescued November 2012
We received a call asking if we could help a very sick stray cat that had been found in town. A kind man had rescued her. She was very poorly; hunched up, struggling to breathe.
We collected Melina and took her to the vet. We were preparing for the worst, we really didn't think she would pull through.
4 weeks on, she's still with us! It's amazing as she is an elderly lady and was close to death when found. She had a severe upper respiratory infection and was suffering from malnutrition/dehydration - we don't know how long she had gone without food/fluids. She needed round the clock home care in between vet visits; syringe feeding, eye/nose care, medications and subcutaneous fluid therapy.
She still needs medication for kidney damage but is doing really well considering. She has now retired and is living a life of leisure. Long may it continue!
Sad update 2013 - Lovely Lady Melina passed away in March. Miss you Melina. xx
Street Dog - Buster - Rescued November 2012
Originally, street stray, big Buster was only supposed to be with us for a few days. We offered to foster him while he was recovering from surgery. Due to complications, poor Buster needed further care and medication, so he was with us for much longer.
Buster made a full recovery and was adopted in 2015. He is now enjoying life in Germany. So happy for him and his new family.
Blind Kitten - Lucy - Rescued October 2012
Unfortunately we don't have much information about this little girls start in life. We were contacted and asked if we could help. Apparently little Lucy-Lou was one of a litter of very young poorly kittens rescued in Athens. It was proving very difficult to find a safe home for Lucy as she is blind. We agreed to take Lucy if a suitable home couldn't be found in Athens, as it was implied that she may have been put to sleep.
Lucy arrived in October 2012. She had no problems settling in, and soon had her little paws under the table, and everywhere else! She's such a little sweetie.
She has on-going eye problems and may need further treatment.
Lucy had surgery in 2014 to remove her eyes. She had constant infections that did not respond to treatment. She recovered really well and is now a happy confident cat. It is great to see her doing so well.
Burnt Cat - Alena - Rescued September 2012
We’d been trying to catch this poor little girl for a while. As you can see she has many awful wounds. When we first saw her she had neck wounds and an eye injury. We tried to catch her then, but she was frightened off by another cat.
We didn’t see her again for a while, despite going back regularly with the catch cage, we were beginning to fear the worst.…
We couldn’t believe it when she wandered over when we were feeding other strays. We were shocked to see that she had more new wounds on both sides of her face and shoulder area, as well as the neck wounds we had seen before. Her eye looked better than before though. Thankfully we managed to catch her, she was so hungry…
We were sickened to hear that the wounds are burns. The vet thinks someone has burned her repeatedly, over time. She has recent burns as well as older scars. Her eye has more or less healed; she has a small corneal scar but thankfully nothing more serious.
Alena is somewhere between 1-2 years old but is underweight. She’s eating well so should gain over the next few weeks.
She will need medication and wound care for 2-3 weeks, only time will tell how well her wounds will heal.…
Update - Lovely Alena is doing really well. She has to wear a collar to stop her scratching her wounds. She's coping well with it though. She's also been spayed, all is healing nicely.
Update Photo 2016
Abandoned Puppies - Rescued August 2012
More puppies dumped with the rubbish at the roadside. So many are taken from their mothers far too early, these three had only just weaned to solids and had diarrhoea.
All were absolutely terrified and had hidden amongst the rubbish. The poor little things yelped when we picked them up to take them to the car.
Two weeks on: We’ve made great progress! They are all doing really well. Initially they would cower down and try to hide. They now come running and want to be picked up and cuddled.
Update - These dear pups are now with new foster families in Germany, and will be going to their forever homes soon.
Street Stray - Fella - Rescued August 2012
Gorgeous stray, Fella, was due to be neutered. We noticed that he wasn’t quite himself, something wasn’t right. We took him to the vets for a check up and blood tests. We were concerned about his health as he was due to be neutered as soon as possible.
Test results showed that he has 'Ehrlichia' – A tick-borne disease. Fella will need medication and care for the next few weeks. He’ll need further blood tests later on to see if there’s been any improvement.
Fella is not well enough to undergo any operations for the time being. Hopefully he’ll respond to treatment. Everything crossed for lovely Fella...
Update - Lovely Fella is feeling much better. His latest blood test results have improved, he's responded well to treatment. He'll have repeat tests in a few weeks, hopefully his immune system will pick up and he will continue to do well. All being well he should be able to be neutered and re-homed.
Update - Great news for Fella! We will have to say goodbye to our lovely fuzzy faced friend soon. He's had the 'all clear' from the vet, so he will be flying off to a forever home in Germany in a few days time. We're so happy, and sad! He'll be much missed.
Update - Farewell Fella. He arrived safely in Germany and was such a good boy throughout the journey. Looking forward to further updates... Love ya Fella! Be happy!
Update Photos - Forever Home
We received a lovely update. Fella (now called Boomer) is settled and very happy in his lovely new home. We're so happy for him.
Sick Stray Kitten - Elmo - Rescued August 2012
We heard this poor little kitten before we saw him. He was crying his heart out in the main street in town. He was just skin and bone, suffering from malnutrition and dehydration. He was crawling with fleas, had ear mites, worms and an upper respiratory infection.
He's been very poorly and needed medication for an infection. He was struggling to eat and has had an upset tummy.
Thankfully we've seen an improvement over the last couple of days, he's a tough little guy! Hopefully he will continue to do well. Everything crossed for little Elmo...
Update - August 2012 - Elmo is doing much better now. He's had some problems. He struggled to gain weight and strength initially, but now has a healthy appetite and plenty of energy; too much at times, which is always a good sign, so hopefully he's over the worst of it now and will continue to thrive...
Update December 2013 - All is well with Elmo, he's a very big boy now and is in good health.
Abandoned Puppies - Sam - Jess - Tessa - Rescued July 2012
We saw these three puppies on a very busy road (4-5 weeks old) up against a crash barrier with a drop down to the beach below. The poor things were absolutely terrified.
We had to stop traffic to get them to safety, cars were just driving around them without any concern at all, they were lucky not to have been killed.
They were left to fend for themselves by the roadside in the summer heat; all were dehydrated and very hungry.
Thankfully, they are all doing well. They know they are safe now, and are slowly gaining confidence.
As usual we are struggling to find help with fostering, so they will be staying with us for the time being.
Update - August 2012
Great news, Jess (now called Julie) has been adopted and is now with her new family. We have had a lovely update and photos. Many thanks to her new family, we wish them all the best.
Update September 2012 - Great news. Tessa has been adopted and is now enjoying life with her new family. So pleased for them all.
Sam also has a new home and is settling in well, thank you to his new family. Another happy ending.
Photo Update -Sam in his forever home
Abandoned Kittens - Rescued June 2012
We found these three skinny little kittens (4-5 weeks old) abandoned at rubbish bins; frightened, hungry and dehydrated. Two had infected, sticky eyes that needed cleaning and treating.
They were so friendly and just wanted constant cuddles once they knew they were safe, bless them.
We managed to find help and they are now being cared for by friends and are all doing well.
Injured Cat - Milly - 2012
Lovely Milly was rescued by friends. They asked if we could help when Milly was found seriously injured. X-rays showed that she had a fractured spine/nerve damage and was paralysed. She was also incontinent. Her prognosis was not good at all, only time, medication and care would tell us whether or not she had a future...
Milly came to stay with us as we have experience with spinal trauma and aftercare - she'd need strict cage rest for a few weeks, and physiotherapy, medication and personal care.
Amazing progress! This photo was taken when Milly managed to sit up for the first time after her injury. She didn't have the strength to sit for long, but it was wonderful to see. Her hind legs were still floppy, so she couldn't stand up yet...
6 weeks on - Milly can now walk, and she has regained full bowel/bladder control. Her recovery has been amazing, she's a very lucky girl indeed. She still has some way to go, as her hind legs are still weak. This should improve over time with further physiotherapy. The future is now looking very good for this lovely girl.
Update - Great news. Milly has made a full recovery. It's absolutely amazing! She's been through so much and has been so brave, well done Milly.
Abandoned Kitten - Tino - Rescued May 2012
Another little kitten lucky to be alive, tiny tabby, Tino. We found this poor little boy buried beneath a pile of stinking rubbish at the bins, after hearing a very faint cry. Sadly, we also found a second kitten; he had died. Sweet dreams little one, wish we had found you sooner.
Tino was very weak - severely malnourished, dangerously underweight for his age. We really didn't think he would survive for long...
Thankfully he did, he's still with us and is doing amazingly well - another little fighter. He's gained weight and strength, but there's still some way to go yet...
Update - All is well with Tino. He's a very big lad now and is such a character, he's adorable!
Stray Kitten - Mayo - Rescued May 2012
This little boy is very lucky to be alive. He was wobbling around in the middle of the road as we went around a corner. Somehow we just managed to miss running him over - he was fine but was making one hell of a racket from being so frightened, poor boy. He soon calmed down once he was picked up and cuddled.
No sign of mum-cat or any other kittens - yet another kitten on a country lane, in the middle of nowhere...
Little Mayo is now doing well after a difficult few days. He was having problems feeding, and was being syringe fed. He's just started to wean, his appetite has improved and he has gained weight. Hopefully he'll continue to thrive...
Update July 2012 - Mayo is doing really well. He's a little fat boy now, loves his food a bit too much! He (and the rest of the gang) are keeping us very busy.
Stray Dog And Puppies - Daisy - Rescued May 2012
Poor Daisy was found lying beside rubbish bins at the side of the road, feeding her four puppies. She was taken to the vets straight away as it was obvious that she had a fractured leg.
The vet confirmed that her leg had been fractured (3-4 weeks earlier) - about the same time she gave birth...
Daisy and pups are all doing very well. Puppies have weaned now so Daisy can have a well earned rest, she's a wonderful mum and her babies are adorable.
Daisy is such a lovely girl, she's so trusting, loving and affectionate, despite everything she's been through. She may have problems with her leg in the future, only time will tell.
Once she's gained strength and weight she will be spayed.
We are desperately seeking forever homes for Daisy and puppies (or other foster homes) We are overwhelmed as we are caring for so many, we really need help...
Update 28th June - Great news! Daisy and puppies are now all safe and well in Germany. They will be going to forever homes soon. Another happy ending. Many thanks to FASE, and all who helped to make this possible. We are missing them already and sending much love to them all.
Photo update - We were so pleased to receive these lovely photos of beautiful Daisy with her new Mum. It's wonderful to see her settled and happy.