I’ve been thinking about starting a diary for some time now, but have always struggled to find the time…
This diary will hopefully provide an insight into the lives of some of the homeless, often neglected, stray/abandoned cats and dogs that we come across on a regular basis.
I want to try to tell their story, as all too often, these poor strays are overlooked, their suffering ignored…treated with such indifference. It’s important that we acknowledge their lives, and their struggle to survive…
I’ll also try to include some of the ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ of our many resident rescued cats and dogs – the "Furry Greek Gang"
Also our foster furries - those we care for until forever homes can be found.
I’m hoping to be able to add entries at least weekly, more frequently if possible.

Sunday - 30th December - 2012
Time really does fly! I can't believe it's almost a year since I started this diary, It has been non-stop though. I wonder what the new year will bring...
Wishing all our friends, wherever you are, all the very best for 2013 xx
Monday - 24th December - 2012

Sunday - 23rd December - 2012

Poor little Lucy-Lou isn't very well at the moment. We were anxious about her vet visit - it's always stressful for our blind kitties.
Anyway, we needn't have worried, she was fine, bless her. We hardly heard a peep out of her. We chatted to her all the way there and back so she knew we were right there with her.
She needs medication for an infection for a few days. Really hope our brave little girl will be feeling better soon...
Tuesday - 18th December - 2012

Abandoned puppy (Charlie Brown) is with another foster family now - we'd had to make do and squeeze him in with big Buster.
He's settled well and is getting lots of fuss and attention J
Monday - 10th December - 2012
Melina and Lizzie are doing OK. Both have various health issues, but both are improving so hopefully this will continue...

As usual we will be spending Christmas with a houseful of waifs and strays - yet another abandoned puppy was found scavenging at the bins ... he's now safe with us...
Update on little Annie (abandoned puppy - October entry)
She is now safe and well in Germany. Hopefully she will be going to her forever home very soon.
Sunday - 2nd December - 2012 Photos...
Melina - dinner time...

Little thin Lizzie...

Friday - 30th November - 2012
Struggling to find time to update…
‘Melina’ (Siamese) is doing well. Her appetite has picked up. Hopefully we’ll be able to stop her medications soon.
We are now greeted with croaky meows and lovely furry head butts J
She’s a very lucky old lady; she was close to death when found.
We are also nursing an emaciated dog – little thin ‘Lizzie’ She literally crossed our path; it was just by chance that she wandered out in front of us on the road.
According to the vet she was very close to collapse; her poor little body had started to shut down L
We don’t know if she will make a full recovery; only time will tell. Blood tests have shown that her liver is working overtime, due to prolonged starvation and dehydration.
She’s doing OK though. She’s managing to eat small meals; little, but often.
God only knows what she’s had to endure … She was absolutely terrified and would cower down in fear… L
Wednesday - 21st November - 2012

Sick blind abandoned elderly Siamese
Poor old girl ... She was found huddled under bushes, trying desperately to hide from dogs that were trying to get to her.
She’s very poorly with a severe upper respiratory infection (suspected Chlamydia) She was struggling to breathe and was too sick to eat or drink, so was starving and dehydrated. We’ve seen a slight improvement over the last couple of days. She was being syringe fed, but is now making an effort to eat small amounts all by herself. We're having to inject her medications and saline (rehydration) under her skin through a tube. We also have to clean her nose and put ointment in her eyes.
She’s such a sweet old girl and is so very grateful for our help – everything crossed for her; really hope she pulls through…

Here's foster dog, big 'Buster' wearing his BIG collar after his neuter
operation. He's doing OK but needs medication and rest for a few days.
He's lovely - big soft boy!
Sunday -18th November - 2012
Well, we were hoping for a quiet weekend ... NOT A CHANCE! It never, ever ends!
We are fostering a street stray (dog) on behalf of the local animal
society. He's just been neutered and will be with us until he recovers.
Today we received a call asking if we could help a very sick blind cat that had been found in town - so, here we go again...
Lots of good vibes needed for this poor kitty - please send some our way if you have any to spare ... will update ASAP...
Sunday - 11th November - 2012
Missing George...

Really worried about this lovely boy, we haven't seen him for some time now.
He's one of the rural ferals that we feed - he's been one of our regulars for 'meals on wheels' for well over a year.
Really hope he's OK and we see him again one day...
Miss you Georgie boy! :-( xx
Sad day yesterday... :-(
We stopped to move yet another dead stray cat from the middle of the road, or so we thought ... This poor little girl was still alive (barely) She'd suffered terrible head trauma and had lost a lot of blood on the road. We wrapped her up and took her to the car. She died in my arms a couple of minutes later...
At peace now little girl - sleep well... xx
Sunday - 4th November - 2012

Recent photo of beautiful Alena (burnt kitty) - What a difference a few weeks of TLC can make! J We can't believe how well those awful wounds have healed, it's amazing! We're ever so proud of Alena, she's had to endure so much over the last few weeks/months.
She's finally free of that dreaded collar - she's had to wear it for such a long time, she looks odd without it now!
Little puppy (Annie) is thriving with her new brothers and sister, it's lovely to see. All being well, they should be all off to forever homes in Germany in a few weeks time - fingers crossed...
Wednesday - 31st October - 2012

Sunday - 28th October - 2012
Just when we thought we'd seen it all - this little girl was tied to the towbar on our car in the supermarket car park...
Paul had stopped off to get a bit of shopping on his way home, he wasn't in the shop for long.
He went to put the shopping in the boot and noticed a rope tied around the towbar. He couldn't believe it when he looked under the car and saw a tiny, frightened puppy tied on to the other end of the rope.
Had Paul just put the shopping bag on the car seat, he would never have known that the puppy was there ... it just doesn't bear thinking about...
Anyway, little Annie (4-5 weeks old) is now with a foster family in town. She was with us initially, but was pining for her mum/siblings, poor baby. The family in town are already caring for a litter of young abandoned pups, so Annie has company now and has settled well, she's much happier there.
Sunday - 21st October - 2012
It was so tough saying goodbye to Fella...
We had a lovely update though - he was such a good boy in the car on the way to the airport, and sat patiently at the airport, bless him. Everyone fell in love with him J He arrived safely in Germany. We're looking forward to further updates... Miss ya Fella! xx
Photo update - burnt kitty - Alena

As you can see, she's very comfortable, and has made herself very much at home J
Monday - 15th October -2012

Farewell to Fella...
Fella is now well enough to travel, so he will be leaving us very soon...
He'll be flying off to his forever home in Frankfurt, Germany on Wednesday.
We are going to miss him so much...

Tabby Tino - big boy now!
(rescued in May)
Here he is feeling a bit sorry for himself - he's just been neutered. He's not bothered about wearing the collar, he's just not keen on the blue, it's not his colour J
Introducing little blind Lucy-Lou... J
We don't have much information about her. All we know is she's about 12-14 weeks old and was rescued in Athens. She was one of a litter of very young sick kittens.
The lady that rescued her was really struggling to find a safe home for her, as she is blind. It wasn't looking good for her at all ... so here she is! She's doing great!
That little black heart-shaped nose is just too cute! J
Monday - 8th October -2012
Cassie and Cleo (foster pups) are with a new foster family now...
Bye-bye gorgeous girls - be good! xx J

New photos of feral tree cats - Mum-Cat and Kit-Kat.
Both girls are looking really well. It's been a tough summer for all with exceptionally high temperatures - we're still waiting for rain! We've been constantly re-filling water bowls for the strays, to try and get them through - we are all looking forward to cooler weather...
It's lovely to see these gorgeous girls doing so well - long may it continue... J
Tuesday - 2nd October - 2012
Foster pups - Cleo and Cassie.

These gorgeous girls are now weaned and are almost as wide, as they are long! Little fat
doggy dumplings J
All being well they should be going to a new local foster home
in a few days time...
Foster dog - Happy Fella J

Good news - Lovely Fella is feeling much better now.
His blood count has improved, so hopefully he'll continue to do well without medication.
Fingers crossed for repeat blood tests in a few weeks...
Well done Fella! J
We've had a lovely update about Freddy (Fella's best buddy from Lidl, before they were rescued)
He is now called 'Jerry' and has a lovely new home in Berlin - so pleased for him - love and best wishes to Jerry and his new dad x
Alena - burnt kitty...

This very brave girl is doing really well. Her wounds are healing and look much better already.
We were worried initially, as we didn't think she would let us anywhere near her ... She's amazing... somehow, she's managed to overcome her fear and put her trust in us - she knows she is safe now.
Tuesday - 25th September - 2012
Where to start ... so much has happened in just one week...
Our three foster pups: Cosmo, Coco & Clyde are now with new foster families. We've already had a lovely update. They were all so good during the journey, they arrived safely, and everyone has fallen in love with them. They certainly won't be waiting for forever homes for long - Bye-bye babies - miss you all... xx
Wednesday 19th - We managed to catch a young white cat with awful wounds on her face and neck. We were shocked and sickened to hear that the wounds are burns - The vet said that someone has deliberately burned her, repeatedly over time, as some wounds are recent, a couple are healing and there's also old scar tissue... Poor poor girl ... She's with us for now, she needs medication and wound care. We've named her "Alena"
Over the weekend we had more new arrivals - 2 girl pups (Cassie & Cleo) They need to be bottle fed for a few days. They were dumped outside a local hotel. They should only be with us for a couple of weeks.
Once they are weaned they can then go to another fosterer until they are old enough to re-home.
Sad day today ... We caught a badly injured feral kitten (ginger boy - 8-10 weeks old) He had a broken leg and a massive hernia. Sadly he had to be put to sleep today during surgery - the vet did all he could but... Run free now little man - no more pain... xx
Monday - 17th September - 2012
Another happy ending - foster puppy, Sam, went to his lovely new home last Friday J He's had a home to go to for some time, but had to wait for travel dates. He's settling in well and is being spoiled rotten. Lucky boy J
Bye-bye Sammy... xx
We've also had a lovely update on Sam's sister, Tessa (last entry) - She has now been adopted and also has a forever home. wonderful news J
Sunday - 9th September - 2012

Lovely Tessa (foster puppy) is now with a new foster family in Germany - hopefully she will have a forever home very soon J
Miss you Tess... xx
Sunday - 2nd September - 2012

Here’s the three abandoned puppies mentioned earlier – Cosmo, Clyde & Coco.
Poor things were all absolutely terrified, and would cower down and hide.
We’ve made great progress since they were rescued. They all now come running, excited, wanting to be picked up and cuddled J
It doesn’t take much, does it? Time and time again, we see these dumped puppies and kittens come round – They all have so much love to give … bless them.
Monday - 27th August - 2012
Myphy is fine - what a relief! :-) He's a very lucky boy. He's been really good with his medication, and his wound is healing nicely.
Last week (Thursday) we rescued three more dumped puppies from the rubbish bins -about 4 weeks old ... just when we thought things couldn't possibly get any worse. Things can always get worse!!!!! And here, it does ... there really is no end to it, and somehow we have to keep going...
Monday - 20th August - 2012
Vet visit for resident rescue cat 'Myphy'
He has a nasty wound on his neck - we thought it was a bite wound.
The vet confirmed this, and he's being treated for a snakebite. There are quite a few different species of snakes here. Some more dangerous than others. But this is the first time any of our cats/dogs have been bitten. Hopefully our dear boy is going to be OK ... many fingers and paws crossed...
Monday - 13th August - 2012
Update: Rescued kitten 'Elmo'
Thankfully, this sweet little boy is still with us, he's been very poorly though. It's been a real struggle to get him through...
We have seen an improvement though, so everything crossed for him...
For full story and further updates, see 'Rescue Stories' page.
 Here's lovely 'Fella' - stray/abandoned Lidl dog mentioned earlier.
He's staying with us at the moment, he's poorly and will need medication and care for the next few weeks at least...
Monday - 6th August - 2012
 Little Jess (one of our foster pups) has a lovely new home! :-)
She's been adopted by a lovely family who fell in love with her. We're so pleased for her, she's a very lucky girl indeed.
Wishing her new family all the very best.
Bye-bye gorgeous Jess... xx
Our ginger friend, Garf, is back at Lidl! - so glad to see him. Still no sign of his buddy, Charlie...
We're caring for yet another poorly stray kitten - 5-6 weeks old, skin and bone, crawling with fleas, mites, and full of worms. We found him crying his little heart out on the main street in town...
Fingers crossed for him...
Sunday - 29th July - 2012
Some good news - Thankfully, puppy, Freddy now has a safe place to stay. It can only be short-term though. As usual we are in DESPERATE need of forever/foster homes (for Freddy and many others)
We've also found Fella (one of the missing Lidl stray dogs) He had been dumped in a town a few miles away from Lidl...
Still no sign of the Lidl cats, Garf and Charlie...
Sunday - 22nd July - 2012
Some of the Lidl strays have not been seen for a few days...
Garf and Charlie (ginger cats) and Fella (young dog) It's very unusual, as they are always there, and have been for some time.
Puppy, Freddy (below) is still there. We are desperately trying to find somewhere safe for him to go - We (and others) are already caring for so many. It's not looking good though ... no one seems to want to know...
Monday - 16th July - 2012
Here's lovely little 'Freddy'. He's one of five dogs that have been abandoned at Lidl supermarket car-park, over the last few weeks...
He jumps up to our car window to greet us when we arrive, bless him.
Many Lidl customers put food and water down for the strays (dogs and cats) But, sadly, some people are not at all happy to see these poor homeless animals.
Lidl staff have put up a notice, telling people NOT to feed the strays ... Do they expect us to just watch these animals starve to death??? Yes, they do!!!
A few of us have left water/food bowls, but they keep disappearing, we have to keep replacing them.
I just hope and pray that these poor dogs and cats don't just 'disappear' one night...
Sunday - 8th July - 2012
Here we go again... 3 abandoned puppies - 4 weeks old...
These three beautiful babies were found, abandoned on a busy road, against a crash barrier with a drop down to the beach. We had to stop traffic to get them to safety; cars were just driving around them... For full story, see 'Rescue Stories' page.
As usual, no one has offered to help with fostering, so they will be staying with us for now.
Thursday - 28th June - 2012
Daisy and pups - Another happy ending...
More wonderful news! - Our foster dogs, Daisy and pups are also now safe and well in Germany. We're so pleased that these gorgeous dogs have forever homes.
Again, many thanks to FASE, and all involved :-)
Sunday - 24th June - 2012
Petra and pups - A happy ending...
Wonderful news! - Petra and pups are now safe and being well cared for in Germany.
Many thanks to local animal society, FASE, and all who helped to make this possible - these gorgeous dogs now have the chance of a happy future :-)

More kittens dumped at the rubbish bins (4-5 weeks old) ... We found these three yesterday - huddled together at the side of the road, desperate for food/water and terrified.
Two have infected eyes needing cleaning and drops.
They are now being cared for by a friend as we are already caring for so many...
Friday - 15th June - 2012
Vet visit for our foster dogs, Daisy and pups this morning, for check-up and vac's. What a job that was! They all had to go together - we just about managed to get them all in our small car.
Anyway, all is well - they are all now snoozing in a shady spot in the garden.
Recent rescue kitties, Mayo and Tino are both doing well :-)
Saturday - 9th June - 2012
Some much-needed good news...
Stray mum-dog, Petra, has been spayed (funded by FASE - local animal society)
A local couple kindly offered to care for her (and pups) until she has recovered. We are still desperately trying to find a forever home for her - or, long-term foster home.
We might have some good news on homes for her pups soon - fingers crossed...
Sunday - 3rd June - 2012

Update on little rescued tabby "Tino"
It never ceases to amaze me how these little ones cling to life and put up such a fight - as you can see from the photo, Tino is still with us and is doing amazingly well.
He was dangerously underweight and weak, but has gained well over the last week - he's looking and feeling much better already :-)
We've had such a busy week - it's been non-stop, caring for so many. It's always like that though, we just have to get on with it ... I wonder what this next week will bring...
Saturday - 26th May - 2012
It never ends ... :-(
Today we rescued yet another abandoned kitten - 5-ish week old tabby, very weak, malnourished, underweight and dehydrated...
The poor little thing was buried under a pile of stinking rubbish at the bins - we heard a faint cry and had to rummage around for a while...
Sadly, we found a second kitten but it was too late for him ... Rest in peace now little one xx
Everything crossed for the surviving kitten...
Saturday - 19th May - 2012

Here's little "Mayo" (most recent rescued kitten I mentioned earlier) He's 4-5 weeks old now.
He's one very lucky boy and is now doing well after a worrying week of difficult feeding.
See "Rescue Stories" page for full story.
Sunday - 13th May - 2012
Here's stray/abandoned mum-dog "Petra" & some of her puppies in the forest - there are 6 pups! We still can't get too close but they are slowly getting used to hearing/seeing us when we arrive with food/water.
Foster mum-dog "Daisy" & pups: Rosie, Max, Toby & Patch are all doing well. We are desperately looking for forever homes or other foster families, as we are overwhelmed (as usual)
We're also caring for yet another malnourished, abandoned/orphaned kitten - 3-4 weeks old - photo/update to follow soon...
Sunday 6th May - 2012
Update on the nursing stray dog: Today we went to look for her puppies. We've been watching her for a while now; to see where she goes. She's a lovely girl, so friendly - she more or less led us to her pups.
They are on private fenced land (forest) mum-dog goes under a small gap at the bottom of the fence.
We caught a glimpse of 3 pups (5-6 weeks old) They ran off into the forest as soon as we approached, they have had no human contact whatsoever.
At least we know where they are now. We left plenty of food and water and will visit them regularly.
Feral (Kit-Kat) is back! :-) She's fine - so pleased to see her.
A few days ago we received a call asking if we could help a poor dog (with a broken back leg) and her 4 nursing pups, found at rubbish bins...
Mum "Daisy" and pups (4 weeks old) are now in our care and are all doing well. Pups have just started to wean. Vet confirmed that Daisy's leg was fractured about 4 weeks ago - somehow she managed to give birth and nurse the pups with a badly fractured leg...
Sadly, she will always be lame as the bones have already fused (out of alignment)

Saturday - 28th April - 2012
Worried about feral (Kit-Kat), again - we haven't seen her at all over the last couple of weeks... I know she comes, and goes, and sometimes hides but, I always worry, I just can't help it...
Friday - 20th April - 2012

Feeding time - three lovely ferals/strays, waiting patiently for their dinner.
Saturday - 14th April - 2012
Following on from my last entry - The dog has had her puppies.
We've seen her briefly a couple of times, she's full of milk, so is obviously nursing.
Earlier this week, we spoke to a lovely lady who has been putting food/water out for the dog - she's been feeding her for a few weeks now. She has a holiday-home, so can only provide food when she's here on holiday. She's happy to continue feeding while she's here, and we will feed when she leaves - between us we can at least make sure the dog has food/water.
We don't know where she has hid her puppies - once she's finished eating, she runs off and is soon out of sight. The surrounding area is open countryside - rocky hills, meadows and forest. We don't want to interfere too much at this stage, for fear of her abandoning her puppies...
Saturday - 7th April - 2012
Over the last couple of days, we've been searching for a heavily- pregnant dog that has been seen, not too far from us. We think she might have gone off somewhere to have her puppies, as there has been no sign of her in the area where she was last seen.
We've had a good look around but she could be anywhere...
All we can do is keep looking and hope that she's OK...
Sunday - 1st April - 2012
 I managed to
take this lovely photo of feral - Mum-Cat - I used the zoom-lens as she was some distance away.
I couldn't see her at first, but then spotted her peeking out from behind a pile of rubbish.
She's such a
gorgeous girl.
Tuesday - 27th March - 2012
I've been avoiding updating ... there's just so much misery for so many animals in this godforsaken place.
Another dog (puppy) was poisoned and killed yesterday. He was such a beautiful little fella, only a few months old. We saw him a few times when visiting a friend. Someone must have thrown food, mixed with poison over the fence, as there was still some left when the pup was found, dead at the front of the property...
Wednesday - 21st March - 2012
As feared; we've since heard that several cats were also poisoned ... we drove through the village earlier and there wasn't a cat or dog to be seen...
Monday - 19th March - 2012
Received a call over the weekend with some sickening news;
mass poisoning of dogs in a local village ... 21 dogs were killed, and it's not looking good for the few who survived...
Some of these poor dogs were homeless street strays, some were pets; poisoned on private property.
The sick individuals who were responsible for this will obviously stop at nothing to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible...
Sadly, this happens time and time again...
Wednesday - 14th March - 2012
Good news! - Kit-Kat is back with Mum-Cat. She seems fine. Perhaps she was just hiding from us - sometimes we can just see her peeking out from behind tree branches. Other times she'll jump down and wait under the tree when we arrive.
Yesterday we rescued a poor feral who had either jumped or fallen off a high wall, and had become trapped in a small basement area of a vacant house (we keep an eye on the house while the owner is away)
We couldn't get near him at first, he was frantically trying to get out. In the end we managed to corner him and manoeuvre him into a cage.
We released him straight away as we couldn't see any obvious injuries, and he was thrashing about in the cage. He was off like a shot as soon as we opened the door.
Monday - 12th March - 2012
We're a bit worried about Mum-Cat's kitten (Kit-Kat) - we haven't seen her for a few days. She always tends to stay close to Mum, she's never too far away...
She's used to seeing us as we've been feeding her since she was about 6 weeks old.
Mum-Cat had two kittens, but one disappeared a few weeks ago...
I do hope she's OK - we've been searching for her but ... nothing ... no sign of her...
Wednesday - 7th March - 2012
Our foster puppies are on their way to new homes. We said our good-byes this afternoon. Bitter-sweet day...
Monday - 5th March - 2012
Vet visit for our three foster puppies today. They were vaccinated, micro-chipped etc, as they are off to their new homes in Germany on Wednesday. They were so good, bless them.
We are going to miss 'our' babies so much...
See 'Xmas Puppies Story' page for their story and more photos.

Wednesday - 29th February - 2012
Poor Tianna had a setback over the weekend; she had to be rushed to the vets. We were frantically phoning around, trying to find a vet that would see her, out of hours. Thankfully we got there in the end.
She’s doing much better now. She’ll need medication for a few more days, and has to wear a collar to protect her wound for 2-3 weeks. She’s been through a lot over the last few days, and has been such a good girl
Friday - 24th February - 2012
Vet visit for resident rescue kitties, Tianna and Josh today. Both will need medication for 2-3 weeks but should be fine.
Nursing duties again; four of the resident furry gang needing daily medication for one thing or another.
Hopefully they will all be feeling much better soon...
Tuesday - 21st February - 2012
Much of the same really ... more hungry strays...
There's just so many ... breaks my heart...

Friday -17th February - 2012
We had to take little Misty (one of our foster puppies) to the vets for a check-up today. She's just finished a long course of antibiotics for an infection. All went well, she's fine now.
She sat on my lap on the way home - she's only 8 weeks old and wasn't too impressed with the vet visit. She soon settled down and had a little nap. All was fine until she was car sick ... all over me! Oh, the joys of being 'Mum' to many...
Wednesday - 15th February - 2012
We stopped off to feed Mum-Cat & Co. No sign of any of them, but it was raining - they usually find shelter.
We put their food under their favourite tree, and just happened to look up...

Monday - 13th February - 2012
Resident rescue kitty - Ali-Cat has been at the vets today - He has ongoing health problems - (see 'Ali Cat's Story' page)
All went well and he's recovering at home. Hopefully he'll be feeling much better soon.
Saturday - 11th February - 2012
Great news! - The two stray dogs that have been missing for weeks are back! We've been so worried about them, we didn't think we'd see them again.
We only spotted one of them at first, we put food down for him and were about to leave when the other dog came running over. They must have been together all this time. It was wonderful to see them both.
They both seem OK apart from being skinny (most strays are)
They've both always been too frightened to come too close - they keep their distance as not everyone is friendly - these dogs are very nervous. The bigger dog wont eat his food until we are some distance away. The other will approach us - tail wagging but he'll only come so close before backing off.
Hopefully we'll see them again on our feeding rounds...

Wednesday - 8th February - 2012
We saw Mum-Cat's kitten today - She and Mum were spayed on the same day. She's fine - her wound is healing nicely. The other kitten wasn't around when we were trapping and hasn't been seen recently...
Mum-Cat's kitten

We spotted yet another stray/abandoned dog scavenging for food - we haven't seen her before. We stopped to feed her, she was so hungry and so grateful ... bless her.
Wish we could do more - it breaks my heart having to leave her there but there are just so many like her and so few people wanting to help...we're overwhelmed by it all. I don't know how much longer we'll be able to feed them, we're struggling as it is...
We're seeing dogs/puppies abandoned so often now, we've lost count ... they come and they go ... it's all so very very sad...
Here's the girl we fed today. I don't know if we will see her again...

Monday - 6th February - 2012
Weather has been absolutely awful - It's been blowing a gale, thunder, lightening, the lot!
We had to go to the supermarket so we stopped off at our usual feeding spots to check on the recently neutered kitties.
Mum-Cat was sheltering under her favourite tree waiting for her dinner. She's fine - she was happily munching when we left - No sign of the others but they often stay well hidden when the weather is bad.
Still no sign of the missing stray dogs ... beginning to fear the worst now...
Big brave Garf, the Lidl cat didn't seem too bothered about the nasty weather, he was waiting patiently in the car park, bless him. Charlie-Cat was having a snooze in his bed box at the side of the supermarket.
Friday - 3rd February - 2012
We managed to catch 15 stray/ferals in all for neutering. They all recovered well and were released today. We'll be checking on them regularly when we do our feeding rounds.
Really sad, distressing day yesterday ... We found a dead dog that had been dumped beside a pile of rubbish at the bins. He had deep ligature wounds on his back legs ... through to the bone. He had either been strangled or hung as the wire was still embedded in his neck...
He was just a little skinny dog. How could someone do this to him? Why? I just can't get the images of him lying there out of my head ... poor little soul...
I just hope and pray that he is in a better place now...
Run free now little one, no one can ever hurt you again xxxx
Tuesday - January 31st - 2012
This evening we managed to catch Mum-Cat, also one of her kittens and a tabby. We had to wait ages but it was well worth it.
We'll drop them off in the morning for their operations and see if we can catch any more...
Monday - January 30th - 2012
We spotted yet another stray cat at one of our rubbish bin stops on our feeding round. Mainly white with tabby markings. We didn't see the regulars but they come and go. Most of them are used to seeing us now, they usually show their lovely faces when we pull up and get out of the car - not today though! As usual all the food we put down on our last visit had been munched.
Regulars - Mum-Cat - a lovely long-haired girl and her 2 gorgeous kittens. Also 2 ginger toms.
Up until a couple of weeks ago a few of us were feeding 2 stray dogs at these bins too but we haven't seen them for some time now ... Hope they are OK...

Stray ~ Mum-Cat
Later - lovely 'Garf' the Lidl cat was waiting for his tray of meaty chunks when we arrived at the supermarket. He has many names as he's well known & lots of people feed him. He's a big stray ginger who resides in and around the car park with his 3 new companions - Charlie-Cat (Ginger) - Tigger (Tabby) & Callie (Calico) Sadly Lidl car park has been a 'dumping ground' for many dogs & puppies over the years too...

" Garf " ~ Lidl Stray Cat
All being well we'll be attempting to catch some of these stray cats this week (TNR - Trap - Neuter - Release)